Find prescreening and audition repertoire requirements and instructions below for your specific area of study. See the prescreening page for additional details regarding video specifications, uploading instructions and a tutorial video.

Many areas below allow you to showcase a work(s) of your choosing. Where there is flexibility in requirements, we encourage you to expand beyond the traditional canon and explore the expansive repertoire options. Ҵý’s Program Advisory Committee has put together a  that focuses on underrepresented composers in classical music. 

Requirements by Area of Study

As you prepare for your prescreening video and live audition, connect with the Admission team to get your questions answered!

Note: Accompaniment is required for voice applicants only.


A prescreening recording is not required, except for doctor of musical arts and artist diploma applicants. If you wish to upload a video recording to your application, you may do so. The recording should consist of selections from the audition repertoire. Doctor of musical arts and artist diploma applicants should record at least 30 minutes of the repertoire below. 

Audition Requirements


  • Major and harmonic minor scales (not required on video recording)
  • Milde Scale or Arpeggio etude
  • Solo piece selected by the student


  • Major and harmonic minor scales (not required on video recording)
  • A major concerto; e.g., Mozart, Hummel, or Weber
  • Selected contrasting orchestral excerpts

Resource for Selecting Repertoire

Ҵý’s Program Advisory Committee has put together a that focuses on underrepresented composers in classical music. Where there are opportunities to select your own piece, we encourage you to use this resource to explore and research composers and works.

Cello and Cello Suzuki Pedagogy

A prescreening video is required. Applicants are strongly urged to submit their prescreening videos well before the deadline of December 1. Each piece of repertoire must be unedited and recorded separately. 

Prescreen Requirements 

Must be played from memory: 

  • One movement of standard concerto (up to 10 minutes) 
  • Prelude from a Bach Suite (without repeats) 
  • One etude (any from Popper Op. 73, or a Piatti Caprice) 

Audition Requirements 

Undergraduate, Master of Music, and Graduate Diploma 

Must be played from memory: 

  • One etude of choice (any from Popper Op. 73, or a Piatti Caprice) 
  • Prelude from a Bach Suite plus one other movement of choice (without repeats) 
  • One movement of a standard concerto or Tchaikovsky Rococo Variations (Theme, Var 1, 2, 3) 
  • One short piece or movement of your choice written after 1950 by a composer who has been overlooked because of their race or gender (does not need to be memorized) 

Artist Diploma and Doctor of Music Arts: 

Pieces must be performed from memory. 

  • A complete Bach Suite (without repeats) 
  • A complete standard concerto or Tchaikovsky Rococo Variations (Var. 1, 2, 3, and Finale) 
  • One short piece or movement of your choice written after 1950 by a composer who has been overlooked because of their race or gender (does not need to be memorized) 

Resource for Selecting Repertoire

Ҵý’s Program Advisory Committee has put together a that focuses on underrepresented composers in classical music. Where there are opportunities to select your own piece, we encourage you to use this resource to explore and research composers and works.


A prescreening video is required. To accommodate prescreening, applicants are strongly urged to submit applications well before the deadline of December 1. Each piece of repertoire must be unedited and recorded separately. 

Prescreen Requirements

  • Any Rose etude
  • Exposition of Mozart Clarinet Concerto in A major, K. 622
  • Paganini (edited by Alamiro Giampieri), Caprice 1, 5 or 6 from 14 Caprices (Ricordi edition)

Audition Requirements


  • Mozart, Clarinet Concerto (first movement) or Weber, Clarinet Concerto, No. 2 (first movement)
  • Solo piece selected by the student
  • Two excerpts selected by the student


  • Mozart, Clarinet Concerto, exposition of the first movement
  • Nielsen, Clarinet Concerto, opening of the first movement to the cadenza
  • Solo piece selected by the student
  • Two excerpts selected by the student

Resource for Selecting Repertoire

Ҵý’s Program Advisory Committee has put together a that focuses on underrepresented composers in classical music. Where there are opportunities to select your own piece, we encourage you to use this resource to explore and research composers and works.

Collaborative Piano

A prescreening recording is not required, except for doctor of musical arts and artist diploma applicants. If you wish to upload a video recording to your application, you may do so. The recording should consist of selections from the audition repertoire. Doctor of musical arts and artist diploma applicants should record at least 30 minutes of the repertoire below. 

Audition Requirements

1. Perform one solo piece of your choosing

2. Choose one sonata:

  • Beethoven
    • Sonata #5, Violin and Piano, Opus 24
    • Sonata #7, Violin and Piano, Opus 30, #2
    • Sonata #3, Cello and Piano, Opus 69
  • Brahms
    • Sonata for Violin and Piano, #2, Opus 100 in A major
    • Sonata for Violin and Piano, #3, Opus 108 in D minor
    • Sonata for Cello and Piano, #1, Opus 38 in E minor
    • Sonata for Cello and Piano, #2, Opus 99 in F major
  • Debussy
    • Sonata for Violin and Piano
    • Sonata for Cello and Piano
  • Frank
    • Sonata in A major
  • 󲹳ܰé
    • Sonata in A major, Opus 13

3. Choose one concerto reduction:

  • Tchaikovsky, Violin Concerto, Opus 35 in D major
  • Sibelius, Violin Concerto in D minor, Opus 47
  • Mozart, Violin Concerto, #5, K. 219 in A major
  • Elgar, Cello Concerto, Opus 85
  • Dvorak, Cello Concerto, Opus 104 in B minor

4. Choose one from the following three pieces:

  • Kreisler "Songs My Mother Taught Me"
  • Tambourin Chinois, Opus 3
  • Marche miniature Viennoise

5. Choose three contrasting arts songs to be played in the high/soprano key. A singer will be provided for live auditions in Cleveland. One of the three selections should be prepared both to be played and sung. This will not be a test of vocal talent but rather will give some sense of ability to do more than one thing at once (as in coaching), some sense of diction abilities and textual expression.


  • Brahms, "Botschaft"
  • Schubert, "An die Musik" or "Du bist die Ruh"
  • Schumann, Postlude of "Frauenlieben und Leben" or "Dichterliebe"
  • Strauss, "Ständchen"
  • Wolf, "Er ist's" or "Ich hab' in Penna"


  • Chausson, "Le colibri" or "Les papillons"
  • Debussy, Ariettes oubliées: "C'est l'extase" or "Il pleure dans mon coeur"
  • Duparc, "Chanson triste"
  • 󲹳ܰé, "En sourdine"
  • Poulenc, Fiançailles pour rire: "Violon" or "Il vole"


  • Barber, Hermit Songs: "St. Ita's Vision", "The Monk and His Cat", or "The Desire for Hermitage"
  • Bridge, "Love Went A-Riding"
  • Copland, Twelve Poems of Emily Dickinson: "Nature, the gentlest mother", "Heart, we will forget him", or "Going to Heaven!"

6. Choose one aria:

  • Mozart, Countess's Recitative/Aria, "E Susanna...Dove Sono", from The Marriage of Figaro
  • Puccini, Musetta's Waltz, "Quando m'en vo", from La Boheme

Resource for Selecting Repertoire

Ҵý’s Program Advisory Committee has put together a that focuses on underrepresented composers in classical music. Where there are opportunities to select your own piece, we encourage you to use this resource to explore and research composers and works.


Prescreening is required. To accommodate prescreening, applicants are strongly urged to submit applications well before the deadline of December 1.   

Prescreening Requirements  

Applicants must submit 3 original compositions in PDF format to the online application. Applicants for graduate programs (MM, GD, DMA) should include at least one work for large ensemble (chamber orchestra, full orchestra, or wind ensemble). If available, each composition should be accompanied by an audio/video recording uploaded to the application. MIDI realizations are accepted, but live video/audio recordings are highly encouraged (especially for graduate applicants).  

In addition to the 3 scores and recordings of the compositions, applicants must upload the following to the application.  

  • A chronological list of completed compositions (including date of composition, instrumentation, duration, and any performances)  
  • A resume that includes musical activities and training  
  • Two video recordings (uploaded separately) demonstrating technical and musical accomplishment on your primary instrument or voice. These recordings should present two (and only two) contrasting selections of your choice. Accompaniment is not required, except in voice.  

Scores and Videos Upload Instructions 

Please upload all scores to the “Additional Educational History” page within the online application after completing the “Program and Teacher Preference” page. Scores uploaded to the application must be formatted to print on 8 ½" x 11” paper. Scores become the property of Ҵý and are not returned.  

Recordings of compositions and the two performance videos must be uploaded on the “Upload Required Recordings” page. If needed, hard copies may be sent to Ҵý at:  

      Admissions Office 
     11021 East Boulevard 
     Cleveland, OH 44106 USA 

Audition and Interview  

Scores will be reviewed for evidence of original musical thought/imagination, development of musical materials, idiomatic instrumental/vocal writing, and proper notation. After preliminary score review, selected applicants are invited to Cleveland for an interview.  

Conducting (Orchestral)

A prescreening video is required. To accommodate prescreening, applicants are strongly urged to submit applications well before the deadline of December 1. Each piece of repertoire must be unedited and recorded separately.    

Prescreen Requirements 

Student choice: Provide videos of yourself conducting a chamber or orchestra rehearsal or performance, featuring three different pieces.  

Audition Requirements 

Applicants must be available for a live audition at our Cleveland campus. Any recorded auditions will not be accepted.   

Ensembles perform for conducting auditions, under rehearsal conditions. Repertoire for auditions will be announced when prescreening decisions are released. 

Double Bass

A prescreening video is required. To accommodate prescreening, applicants are strongly urged to submit applications well before the deadline of December 1. Each piece of repertoire must be unedited and recorded separately.

Prescreening Requirements 

All applicants (Bachelor of Music, Artist Certificate, Master of Music, Graduate Diploma, Artist Diploma, Doctor of Music Arts)  

From the live audition repertoire, choose any two solo pieces and any two excerpts. 

Audition Requirements 

All applicants (Bachelor of Music, Artist Certificate, Master of Music, Graduate Diploma, Artist Diploma, Doctor of Music Arts)  

Solo Repertoire  

  1. A large-scale movement or piece, similar in scope to the 1st movement of a concerto 
  2. A piece or movement in a contrasting style and time period from above 
  3. A piece of choice, in any style, genre, or time period; this piece should represent you as a unique musician (can be an additional movement from 1 and 2 above) 

Orchestral/Chamber Excerpts 

  • Three excerpts from the orchestral and/or chamber repertoire 
  • By different composers 
  • Requiring contrasting technical demands 

Movements may be performed with or without repeats 

Da Capo forms count as one movement (e.g., Minuets I and II, or Scherzo and Trio) 


A prescreening video is required. To accommodate prescreening, applicants are strongly urged to submit applications well before the deadline of December 1. Each piece of repertoire must be unedited and recorded separately.

Prescreen Requirements


  • A three octave chromatic scale 
  • Three contrasting pieces or movements of pieces, one may be an etude 


  • A three octave chromatic scale 
  • Three contrasting pieces or movements of pieces, one may be an etude 
  • Three contrasting orchestral excerpts 

Audition Requirements


  • All major and harmonic minor scales and arpeggios in two or three octaves
  • Three contrasting pieces or movements of pieces, one may be an etude


  • All major and harmonic minor scales and arpeggios in two or three octaves
  • Three contrasting pieces or movements of pieces, one may be an etude
  • Three contrasting orchestral excerpts

Resource for Selecting Repertoire

Ҵý’s Program Advisory Committee has put together a that focuses on underrepresented composers in classical music. Where there are opportunities to select your own piece, we encourage you to use this resource to explore and research composers and works.

Guitar (Classical)

A prescreening video is required. To accommodate prescreening, applicants are strongly urged to submit applications well before the deadline of December 1. Each piece of repertoire must be unedited and recorded separately.  

Prescreen Requirements 

All applicants (Bachelor of Music, Artist Certificate, Master of Music, Graduate Diploma, Artist Diploma, Doctor of Music Arts): 

Two contrasting pieces of the applicant's choice. 

Audition Requirements 


  • Three pieces of contrasting style - the repertoire chosen must include a slow selection as well as one that demonstrates the applicant's upper-level technical ability 
  • Major and minor scales, arpeggios, slur studies, and sightreading may be requested 

Master of Music and Graduate Diploma: 

  • Three pieces of contrasting style, all of which must be substantial works or movements from substantial works - the repertoire chosen must include a slow selection as well as one that demonstrates the applicant's upper level of technical ability. If preferred, you may focus your repertoire in a specific era. 
  • Major and minor scales, arpeggios, slur studies, and sightreading may be requested 

Below are examples of Ҵý guitar audition material, with 3 contrasting style works. The faculty may stop you in the middle of a piece in order to hear other works. Being stopped for time constraints is no reflection on the guitarist's performance. 

Example 1 
BACH Allemande from BWV 995 Suite 
MERTZ Elegie 
MARTIN "Comme Une Gigue" from Quatre Pieces Breves 

Example 2 
SCARLATTI Sonata K. 1 
PONCE 1st Movement from Sonata No. 3 
CARTER Changes 

Example 3 
DOWLAND Fantaisie No. 10 
GIULIANI Grande Overture, Op. 61 
TURINA Sonata, 1st movement 

Example 4 
SOR Op. 9 Variations 
GINASTERA Sonata, 2nd Movement 
JOBIM "A Felicidade" (arr. Dyens) 

Artist Diploma and Doctor of Musical Arts 

  • A complete suite, sonata, or partita of J.S. Bach 
  • A composition by a 19th century composer 
  • A substantial work (nine minutes or more in length) by a representative 20th- or 21st-century composer 
  • A substantial work (nine minutes or more in length) in a style contrasting with No. 3 above 

A prescreening recording is not required, except for doctor of musical arts and artist diploma applicants. If you wish to upload a video recording to your application, you may do so. The recording should consist of selections from the audition repertoire. Doctor of musical arts and artist diploma applicants should record at least 30 minutes of the repertoire below.

Audition Requirements


1. Advanced/Professional Warm-Up from On Playing the Harp by Yolanda Kondonassis (Carl Fischer) 

2. One solo work from the Baroque or Classical period 

3. One solo work from the standard harp literature such as: 

  • Hindemith: Sonata 
  • Grandjany: Fantasie 
  • Pierné: Impromptu-Caprice. Op. 9

4. One solo work of choice that represents your artistic identity 

5. Orchestral Excerpts: Cadenza, from The Nutcracker and Verdi: La Forza del Destino 

Solos must be memorized. Music may be used for the Warm-Up and the Orchestral Excerpts. 

Master of Music, Graduate Diploma, and Artist Diploma 

1. Advanced/Professional Warm-Up from On Playing the Harp by Yolanda Kondonassis (Carl Fischer) 

2. One solo work from the Baroque or Classical period 

3. One solo work from the standard harp literature such as: 

  • Hindemith: Sonata 
  • Houdy: Sonate 
  • 󲹳ܰé: Impromptu 
  • Grandjany: Rhapsodie 
  • Salzedo: Variations on a theme in ancient style 

4. One solo work of choice that represents your artistic identity 

5. One solo work composed by a woman and/or a person from an underrepresented racial/ethnic group. 

6. Orchestral Excerpts: Ravel: Cadenza from Tzigane and Berlioz: Symphonie Fantastique 

Solos must be memorized. Music may be used for the Warm-Up and the Orchestral Excerpts. 

Doctor of Musical Arts 

1. Advanced/Professional Warm-Up from On Playing the Harp by Yolanda Kondonassis (Carl Fischer) 

2. A forty-minute recital that includes: 

  • One solo work from the Baroque or Classical period 
  • One standard solo work by a French composer 
  • One contrasting standard work by a Twentieth-Century composer 
  • One solo work of choice that represents your artistic identity 
  • One contemporary solo work, composed since 2000. 
  • One solo work composed by a woman and/or a person from an underrepresented racial/ethnic group. 

Please Note: One work can encompass both of the last two requirements, if desired. 

3. Orchestral Excerpts: 

  • Ravel: Cadenza from Tzigane 
  • Berlioz: Symphonie Fantastique 
  • Strauss: Don Juan 

Solos must be memorized. Music may be used for the Warm-Up and the Orchestral Excerpts. 

Resource for Selecting Repertoire

Ҵý’s Program Advisory Committee has put together a that focuses on underrepresented composers in classical music. Where there are opportunities to select your own piece, we encourage you to use this resource to explore and research composers and works.


A prescreening recording is not required, except for doctor of musical arts and artist diploma applicants. Doctor of musical arts and artist diploma applicants should record at least 20 minutes of the repertoire below. Undergraduates, master of music and graduate diploma applicants: if you wish to upload a video recording to your application, the recording should consist of selections from the audition repertoire. Undergraduates should record the Bach and one other work. 

Audition Requirements 


  • A short work by J.S. Bach – e.g. a prelude and fugue or 2-3 movements of a suite 
  • A work from the 17th century 
  • A sonata by Scarlatti 
  • A work of your choice that represents who you are and your musical identity 


  • A substantial work by J.S Bach (complete) 
  • A sonata by Scarlatti or Soler 
  • A suite by Louis Couperin or Johann-Jakob Froberger 
  • A work of your choice that represents who you are and your musical identity 

A prescreening video is required. To accommodate prescreening, applicants are strongly urged to submit applications well before the deadline of December 1. Each piece of repertoire must be unedited and recorded separately. 

Prescreen Requirements

  • Same as audition requirements; however, students can choose and upload different pieces for the recorded audition 

Audition Requirements


  • Etude by Kopprasch, or the equivalent
  • Solo or concerto selected by the student
  • Selected contrasting orchestral excerpts


  • Solo or concerto selected by the student
  • Advanced etude (Gallay, Kling or Maxime-Alphonse)
  • Selected contrasting orchestral excerpts

Resource for Selecting Repertoire

Ҵý’s Program Advisory Committee has put together a that focuses on underrepresented composers in classical music. Where there are opportunities to select your own piece, we encourage you to use this resource to explore and research composers and works.


A prescreening video is required. To accommodate prescreening, applicants are strongly urged to submit applications well before the deadline of December 1. Each piece of repertoire must be unedited and recorded separately.  

Prescreen Requirements 

  • An etude of your choice from Barret or Ferling 
  • A solo of your choice OR the exposition of a major concerto 

You may also submit a live recording of a recent recital in lieu of the requirements above. 

Audition Requirements 

Bachelor of Music, Master of Music, Graduate Diploma, Doctor of Musical Arts 

  • Etude by Barret or Ferling 
  • Baroque or Classical work 
  • A piece of your choice that represents who you are and your musical identity.  

Artist Diploma 

  • A varied, recital length program that spans the repertoire for oboe and showcases your abilities 

Resource for Selecting Repertoire

Ҵý’s Program Advisory Committee has put together a that focuses on underrepresented composers in classical music. Where there are opportunities to select your own piece, we encourage you to use this resource to explore and research composers and works.


A prescreening video is required. To accommodate prescreening, applicants are strongly urged to submit applications well before the deadline of December 1. Each piece of repertoire must be unedited and recorded separately. 

Prescreen Requirements

Undergraduate and Graduate

Two contrasting pieces from the standard organ literature that demonstrate the candidate’s technical and musical skills. Choose music you enjoy playing and that conveys your musical personality. 

NOTE: These same pieces may also be included in your audition. 

Audition Requirements


  • One work by Bach or another Baroque composer. 
  • Two pieces by romantic or contemporary composers, one primarily lyrical and one primarily virtuosic. 
  • Applicants will be asked to sight-read. 

Graduate (MM and DMA) 

  • A program of not more than 30 minutes including a major work of J.S. Bach. Other pieces should be of contrasting styles and periods, and should include at least one lyrical and one virtuosic selection. 
  • Memorization of at least one piece is strongly encouraged, though not required. 
  • Tests in sight-reading and harmonization. 

Artist Diploma 

  • Candidates are required to perform a program of 30-35 minutes, including a substantial work of Bach and at least one memorized piece (required). Additional selections should demonstrate contrasting styles as well as lyrical and virtuoso playing. 
  • Tests in sight-reading, harmonization and transposition. 

Resource for Selecting Repertoire

Ҵý’s Program Advisory Committee has put together a that focuses on underrepresented composers in classical music. Where there are opportunities to select your own piece, we encourage you to use this resource to explore and research composers and works.


A prescreening video is required. To accommodate prescreening, applicants are strongly urged to submit applications well before the deadline of December 1. Each piece of repertoire must be unedited and recorded separately. 

Prescreen Requirements 

All applicants (Bachelor of Music, Artist Certificate, Master of Music, Graduate Diploma, Artist Diploma, Doctor of Music Arts) 

Must be played from memory: 

  • A J.S.Bach work featuring a fugue, such as Well-Tempered Clavier Preludes and Fugues, Toccatas, Chromatic Fantasy and Fugue, etc.
  • Two contrasting movements from a Classical Sonata by Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven or Schubert 
  • One Chopin etude of virtuosity 
  • A Romantic OR 20th century work of your choice 

Audition Requirements 

All applicants (Bachelor of Music, Artist Certificate, Master of Music, Graduate Diploma, Artist Diploma, Doctor of Music Arts) 

Must be played from memory. 

  • A J.S.Bach work featuring a fugue, such as Well-Tempered Clavier Preludes and Fugues, Toccatas, Chromatic Fantasy and Fugue, etc.
  • Complete classical sonata by Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven or Schubert  
  • One substantial romantic work from the 19th century  
  • One work from the 20th or 21st century  
  • One Chopin etude of virtuosity 

Resource for Selecting Repertoire

Ҵý’s Program Advisory Committee has put together a that focuses on underrepresented composers in classical music. Where there are opportunities to select your own piece, we encourage you to use this resource to explore and research composers and works.


A prescreening recording is not required.

Audition Requirements

Memorization is not required but strongly encouraged.

  • A full concerto
  • A full solo work suitable for a recital
  • One orchestral excerpt
  • Applicants should also prepare a written artist statement and bring to the audition

Resource for Selecting Repertoire

Ҵý’s Program Advisory Committee has put together a that focuses on underrepresented composers in classical music. Where there are opportunities to select your own piece, we encourage you to use this resource to explore and research composers and works.

Timpani and Percussion

A prescreening video is required for graduate applicants. To accommodate prescreening, applicants are strongly urged to submit applications well before the deadline of December 1. Each piece of repertoire must be unedited and recorded separately. 

Undergraduates may submit a subset of the audition repertoire for the faculty to view before the audition, but it is not required.  

Prescreen Requirements 


Snare Drum  

  • Solo of choice from John Pratt's 14 Modern Contest Solos (no repeats)  
  • Delécluse's étude No. 9 from 12 Études pour Caisse-Claire   
  • Prokofiev's opening from Lt. Kijé 

Keyboard Percussion  

  • Two mallets: choose any 2 mallet movement by Bach (no repeats)   
  • Four mallets: solo of choice (no longer than a 3-minute excerpt) 
  • Xylophone: Gershwin, Porgy and Bess Overture  


  • Bartók's Concerto for Orchestra tuning section going immediately into opening 20 bars of Strauss' Burleske  
  • Last B natural roll in Tchaikovsky's Romeo and Juliet Overture  
  • Vic Firth's étude No. 10 from The Solo Timpanist  

Audition Requirements 


  • Snare Drum: Two contrasting snare drum solos, one being rudimental  
  • Keyboard Percussion: Two contrasting solos (one with two mallets, one with 4 mallets). Applicants may be asked to demonstrate advanced technical skills by performing scales, arpeggios, and/or other technical exercises. 
  • Timpani: Demonstrate skills in performance of rolls and single strokes. Perform at least one etude or solo for three or four timpani, showing musicianship and aptitude. Show knowledge of intervals, pitch recognition and tuning ability. Perform at least one standard Classical timpani part (Beethoven or Mozart). 

Sight-reading may be requested in any segment of the audition. The performance of orchestral excerpts is optional for undergraduate applicants. 

Note: All students study both percussion and timpani. Study during the third and fourth years is customarily in the major field of concentration, as determined by the department in consultation with the student. However, with the agreement of the department, in consultation with the student, a student may continue to study both percussion and timpani during the third and fourth years of the undergraduate program. 



Customarily students confine their studies to one field of concentration (either Percussion or Timpani). However, with agreement of the department, in consultation with the student, it is possible to study both Percussion and Timpani at the graduate level. To qualify for study in two fields of concentration, applicants must demonstrate musical and technical mastery by performing the audition requirements applicable to each major area of concentration. 


  • Snare Drum: Two contrasting snare drum solos, one being rudimental   
  • Keyboard Percussion: Two contrasting solos (one with two mallets, one with 4 mallets) 
  • Three to four contrasting excerpts each for snare drum, xylophone, and timpani 
  • One or two contrasting excerpts each for glockenspiel, tambourine, and cymbals  

Sight-reading may be requested on any instrument during the audition. 


  • Demonstrate timpani skills in performance of rolls and single strokes. Show evidence of a good ear, knowledge of intervals, and tuning ability. 
  • Perform standard timpani repertoire and etudes demonstrating facility and musicianship. 
  • Show evidence of basic technical knowledge of snare drum and keyboard percussion; perform one study each on snare drum and xylophone or marimba. 

Sight-reading may be requested in any segment of the audition. 

Resource for Selecting Repertoire

Ҵý’s Program Advisory Committee has put together a that focuses on underrepresented composers in classical music. Where there are opportunities to select your own piece, we encourage you to use this resource to explore and research composers and works.

Trombone and Bass Trombone

A prescreening video is required. To accommodate prescreening, applicants are strongly urged to submit applications well before the deadline of December 1. Each piece of repertoire must be unedited and recorded separately.  

Prescreen Requirements

  • Two contrasting technical studies, lyrical and technical, from Blazhevich or Bordogni, or the equivalent 
  • One solo selected by the student, see suggestions below 
  • Two contrasting orchestral excerpts, see suggestions below 

Audition Requirements

Undergraduate Tenor and Bass Trombone:

  • One major and one minor scale (two octaves) and arpeggios  
  • Two contrasting technical studies, lyrical and technical, from Blazhevich or Bordogni, or the equivalent 
  • One solo selected by the student; for example:
    • David's Concerto or Saint-Saëns' Cavatine (tenor trombone)
    • Lebedev's Concerto in One Movement or Bozza's New Orleans (bass trombone) 
  • Four contrasting orchestral excerpts for tenor trombone, such as:
    • Mozart's tuba mirum from Requiem
    • Strauss' Till Eulenspiegel
    • Hindemith's Symphonic Metamorphosis
    • Wagner's Lohengrin
    • Wagner's Ride of the Valkyrie
    • Mahler's Symphony No. 3
    • Berlioz's Hungarian March 
  • Four contrasting orchestra excerpts for bass trombone such as:
    • Haydn's The Creation
    • Wagner's Ride of the Valkyrie
    • Brahms' Chorale from Brahms 1
    • Strauss' Till Eulenspiegel
    • Bach's Sarabande from the 5th Cello Suite
    • Berlioz's Hungarian March 
  • Sight-reading (not required on recorded auditions) 

Graduate Tenor and Bass Trombone: 

  • Two contrasting technical studies, lyrical and technical, from Bitsch, Masson, Bozza, Bordogni, Blazevich, or the equivalent 
  • One solo selected by the student, demonstrating advanced musicality and technique 
  • Four contrasting orchestral excerpts for tenor trombone such as:
    • 鲹'&Բ;DZé
    • Mahler's Symphony No. 3
    • Wagner's Ride of the Valkyrie
    • Rossini's William Tell or La Gazza Ladra
    • Strauss' Till Eulenspiegel
    • Bruckner's Symphony No. 7
    • Saint-Saëns' Symphony No. 3 
  • Four contrasting standard orchestral excerpts for bass trombone such as:
    • Bach's Sarabande from 5th Suite
    • Bruckner's Symphony No. 7
    • Beethoven's Symphony No. 9
    • Berlioz's Hungarian March
    • ǻá'&Բ;á&Բ;áԴDz
    • Rossini's William Tell or La Gazza Ladra 
  • Sight-reading (not required on recorded auditions) 

A prescreening video is required. To accommodate prescreening, applicants are strongly urged to submit applications well before the deadline of December 1. Each piece of repertoire must be unedited and recorded separately. 

Prescreen Requirements

Same as audition requirements (can be different pieces than what are played for the live audition).

Audition Requirements


  • Two etudes of contrasting style from Charlier, Brandt, Characteristic Study from Arban, or the equivalent
  • Concerto or solo piece selected by the student
  • Orchestral passages from standard repertoire optional


  • Two etudes of contrasting style from Charlier, Brandt, Bitsch, Smith-Top Tones, Characteristic Study from Arban, or the equivalent
  • Two concerto or solo pieces of contrasting style selected by the student
  • Orchestral passages from standard repertoire

Resource for Selecting Repertoire

Ҵý’s Program Advisory Committee has put together a that focuses on underrepresented composers in classical music. Where there are opportunities to select your own piece, we encourage you to use this resource to explore and research composers and works.


A prescreening recording is not required, except for doctor of musical arts and artist diploma applicants. If you wish to upload a video recording to your application, you may do so. The recording should consist of selections from the audition repertoire. Doctor of musical arts and artist diploma applicants should record at least 30 minutes of the repertoire below.

Audition Requirements


  • Major and minor scales and arpeggios (not required on recorded auditions)
  • Two contrasting etudes
  • Solo selected by the student
  • Orchestral excerpts
  • Sight-reading (not required on recorded auditions)


  • Major and minor scales and arpeggios (not required on recorded auditions)
  • Concerto selected by the student
  • Two contrasting etudes
  • Orchestral excerpts
  • Solo demonstrating contemporary techniques
  • Sight-reading (not required on recorded auditions)

Resource for Selecting Repertoire

Ҵý’s Program Advisory Committee has put together a that focuses on underrepresented composers in classical music. Where there are opportunities to select your own piece, we encourage you to use this resource to explore and research composers and works.


A prescreening video is required. To accommodate prescreening, applicants are strongly urged to submit applications well before the deadline of December 1. Each piece of repertoire must be unedited and recorded separately. 

Prescreening Requirements

Must be played from memory.

  • A scale of your choice in three octaves, once slurring six and once with a spiccato stroke
  • One movement of a Bach cello suite or violin sonata/partita
  • One movement from a standard viola concerto

Audition Requirements

Must be played from memory.


  • A scale of your choice in three octaves, once slurring six and once with a spiccato stroke
  • Two contrasting movements from a solo Bach suite, sonata, partita or an equivalent solo work
  • One movement from a standard viola concerto


  • A scale of your choice in three octaves, once slurring six and once with a spiccato stroke
  • Two contrasting movements from a solo Bach suite, sonata, partita or an equivalent solo work
  • One movement from a standard viola concerto
Violin and Violin Suzuki Pedagogy

A prescreening video is required. To accommodate prescreening, applicants are strongly urged to submit applications well before the deadline of December 1. Each piece of repertoire must be unedited and recorded separately.  

Prescreening Requirements 

Must be played from memory. 

All applicants (Bachelor of Music, Artist Certificate, Master of Music, Graduate Diploma, Artist Diploma, Doctor of Music Arts) 

  • First movement from a standard concerto with cadenza where applicable (if Shostakovich No. 1 is selected, please perform the cadenza and fourth movement instead of the first movement)  
  • One movement from a Bach Sonata or Partita for Solo Violin  
  • One etude or caprice by Dont, Gaviniès, Kreutzer, Paganini, Rode, or the equivalent  

Audition Requirements 

Must be played from memory. 


  • First movement from a standard concerto with cadenza where applicable (if Shostakovich No. 1 is selected, please perform the cadenza and fourth movement instead of the first movement)  
  • Two contrasting movements from a Bach Sonata or Partita for Solo Violin (Ciaccona from Bach’s Second Partita may be used as the equivalent)  
  • One etude or caprice by Dont, Gaviniès, Kreutzer, Paganini, Rode, or the equivalent  

Master of Music and Graduate Diploma:  

  • First movement from a standard concerto with cadenza where applicable (if Shostakovich No. 1 is selected, please perform the cadenza and fourth movement instead of the first movement)  
  • Two contrasting movements from a Bach Sonata or Partita for Solo Violin (Ciaconna from Bach’s Second Partita may be used as the equivalent)  
  • Another piece of the applicant’s choice 
  • One etude or caprice by Dont, Gaviniès, Kreutzer, Paganini, Rode, or the equivalent  

Artist Diploma and Doctor of Musical Arts:  

  • Complete standard concerto with cadenzas where applicable 
  • First movement with cadenza from a Mozart Violin Concerto  
  • An entire Bach Sonata or Partita for Solo Violin  
  • Two Paganini caprices or a substantial virtuoso piece, such as the following, or something similar: 
    • Ravel's Tzigane 
    • Saint-Saëns' Rondo Capriccioso 
    • Ysaÿe's Ballade 
    • Sarasate's Carmen Fantasy   

Resource for Selecting Repertoire

Ҵý’s Program Advisory Committee has put together a that focuses on underrepresented composers in classical music. Where there are opportunities to select your own piece, we encourage you to use this resource to explore and research composers and works.


A prescreening video is required. To accommodate prescreening, applicants are strongly urged to submit applications well before the deadline of December 1. Each piece of repertoire must be unedited and recorded separately. 

Accompaniment is required for voice applicants. You may use piano or a recorded accompaniment. 

Prescreening Requirements 


Applicants must prepare three selections from the classical vocal repertoire.  

  • One Italian selection 
  • One English selection 
  • One selection of your choice 

You may also submit one optional, additional selection of your choice which represents your musical personality and identity. 


Graduate (Master of Music, Graduate Diploma, Doctor of Musical Arts): 

Applicants must prepare four selections from the classical vocal repertoire. 


  • Four different languages must be represented with the English and Italian languages required. 
  • Two art songs 
  • Two arias 

You may also submit one optional, additional selection of your choice which represents your musical personality and identity. 


Artist Diploma: 

Applicants must prepare six selections from classical vocal repertoire. These selections must include four arias and two art songs. Four languages must be represented, two of which must be Italian and English.  

You may also submit one optional, additional selection of your choice which represents your musical personality and identity. 


Audition Requirements 

If your prescreening audition is accepted, you may perform any repertoire which meets the prescreening repertoire requirements. The repertoire may be the same as what you submitted for prescreening. 

Resource for Selecting Repertoire

Ҵý’s Program Advisory Committee has put together a that focuses on underrepresented composers in classical music. Where there are opportunities to select your own piece, we encourage you to use this resource to explore and research composers and works.